Legal victory for homeless hungry London people

Some good news for the Homeless and poor in London 😀

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video from England says about itself:

On The Streets

10 February 2013

Penny Woolcock’s film about the eight months she spent among London’s homeless.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Waltham Forest soup kitchen eviction overturned by High Court judge as council ‘fails to accord with reality or common sense’

Tuesday 8th April 2014

High Court overrules council’s bid to banish Christian Kitchen for homeless and vulnerable people to far-off lay-by, saying impact of eviction was not assessed

Callous council plans to evict a London soup kitchen that feeds 80 homeless people every night were overturned yesterday by a High Court judge.

Waltham Forest Council had ordered the Christian Kitchen to move 50 minutes out of town to a lay-by after 25 years of feeding vulnerable local people.

But Ms Justice Simler ruled the council’s decision to revoke the kitchen’s license was unlawful.

The judge said the…

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About Mavadelo

Dutch, Pothead, Married since 1999, once homeless officially homed since uh...I guess somewhere around 2006. Music lover (anything but techno) Animal friend (in general, dogs and cats more specific, wolves rule though), Happy (most of the time) Pacifist, optimist but also sarcastic, cynical and philosopher (big word, if I find a better one....) oh... Gamer, PC freak, Software junky, bottom level hacker (lol i can "hack" some of my games but t.b.h others did the work, I just apply their knowledge) all around "can you fix my pc Martin" guy did I mentioned married?

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