The Being a light in the World award


My dear friend and fellow Wolfpack member Patty has found me worthy of the Being a light in the world award. This award was originally created by Barbara 

Barbara wrote the following about this award

In her own words:

I’m creating this Award to celebrate all those wonderful people in the World who spread Light, and Love and Hope and Peace in the name of All.  These bloggers should consistently promote these qualities and work to be a force for peace and light in the world.

The Rules:

1.Thank the person who gives you the award

2.Spread this award around to the people who you know who are doing this work, so that the work continues and the light is spread

3.Let your nominees know

4.Never give up on your fellow human beings

As you can see this is a very special award and I am feeling humbled and proud to receive it.

Rule number one: THANK YOU PATTY. Patty is a wonderful blogger who writes great poetry and poetrics. the latter being a combination of poetry and music, probably explaining it wrong so just hit the link and you will read an explanation and lots of great examples. Please let me use this opportunity to give a plug for the love of her life Danny who is writing poetry as well and is making great artwork for her soon to be released novel debut “Drägan Duma – Zij Die Hoort” (Drägan Duma – she who hears) which will be the first episode in a series of novels with the main title of Drägan Duma (no idea what that means)

Rule number two and three: will be done in my own time, you have to deserve this award after all and I want to make sure that it will be nominated as intended

Rule number four, get ready to being rickrolled

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About Mavadelo

Dutch, Pothead, Married since 1999, once homeless officially homed since uh...I guess somewhere around 2006. Music lover (anything but techno) Animal friend (in general, dogs and cats more specific, wolves rule though), Happy (most of the time) Pacifist, optimist but also sarcastic, cynical and philosopher (big word, if I find a better one....) oh... Gamer, PC freak, Software junky, bottom level hacker (lol i can "hack" some of my games but t.b.h others did the work, I just apply their knowledge) all around "can you fix my pc Martin" guy did I mentioned married?

4 thoughts on “The Being a light in the World award

  1. You are very welcome Martin! 🙂
    Great song!
    Thank you for your kind words about me and about Danny! ❤
    Hahaha, lol, I have came up with a new language I use in my books. Drägan Duma means Dragon Peace. 🙂
    Hugz & Love ❤


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