Awards and other tokens of appreciation

Recently I got a message on my about page from Just Patty telling me that she had awarded me for the Lighthouse Award

Now I am somewhat new to this blog world So I am not really sure what the purpose of these awards is but I assume that it is mainly serving as a token of appreciation of the writer of a blog (or rather for what he writes)

I also think that it is a “pay it forward” system so I will treat it as such 🙂

Awards given to me can be found under the menu item “Awards and other tokens of apreciation” as you can see here


Those receiving the award from me will find their award page in the comment on their own blog and under the next sub menu for the received award as shown in following image


For all Award givers: thank you very much

For all award receivers: Congratulations, it’s well earned


12 thoughts on “Awards and other tokens of appreciation

  1. Pingback: 3 Months | Mavadelo's mindscape

  2. Hi there… Eric here;
    I have a nomination for you for
    the Liebster 2014 Blog award
    and for the Liebster new blog badge.

    The original badge was limited to
    blogs with less than 200 followers.
    There are no rules for this award… so, copy it
    to your media and post it as you like. To copy, click

    The 2014 award is given for active
    blogs that I appreciate. There is a requirement
    to share the award and to write a short post.

    Just click on the second link to learn
    more about the awards.

    I’m glad to follow your blog… and just wanted
    to let you know with this nomination.

    ~ Eric

    I hope that you will accept. I do appreciate
    that some bloggers do not want to participate.
    In fact, I was teetering at the edge for several
    months and I didn’t accept a few at first.

    I decided to participate and there isn’t any
    doubt that it’s worthwhile for me and that
    sharing the awards makes most nominees

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am honored that you have considered my blog for these awards and I do humbly accept them. As you probably know poetry is not my nr1 skill but I will certainly give it a try 🙂 However this blog might take a day or so to come up with 😉 Thank you so much for your kind words. I am amazed that so many people find my mindscape so interesting but it gave me a new spark that I didn’t know I have.


    • Sorry for the late reaction, I do accept but have now 4 blogs to make for awards (or like you did a “collection”) Thanks for nominating, I am honored.



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