Song for Peace in Nigeria …. #BringBackOurGirls!


It Is What It Is

~~May 13, 2014~~

The Key Challenges To Peace In Nigeria

Nigeria is faced by various devastating political and socio-economic conditions, with about 250 multicultural ethnic nationalities.

Nigeria is plagued by religious, ethnic, communal and resource conflict. Large resources and benefits from oil wealth could not touch the lives of the people. Allegiances to ethnic groups come first before the Nigeria state. The recent resource control agitations in the Niger Delta have given birth to various militia groups. The rise of vigilante and separatist groups threatens the hard earned democracy, the growth and development and the coexistence of Nigeria as a nation.

Unfortunately democracy that seems to be a dream come true is fast turning a nightmare. The April 2007 polls which will mark the first change of government from an incumbent civilian government to another have been described as a test that will make or mar the largest country in…

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About Mavadelo

Dutch, Pothead, Married since 1999, once homeless officially homed since uh...I guess somewhere around 2006. Music lover (anything but techno) Animal friend (in general, dogs and cats more specific, wolves rule though), Happy (most of the time) Pacifist, optimist but also sarcastic, cynical and philosopher (big word, if I find a better one....) oh... Gamer, PC freak, Software junky, bottom level hacker (lol i can "hack" some of my games but t.b.h others did the work, I just apply their knowledge) all around "can you fix my pc Martin" guy did I mentioned married?

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