25 Songs – 25 Days Day 11: His eyes on the Sparrow – Lauren Hill


Today it’s a favorite song from a favorite movie. Again this is a hard one. Not because I do not have ideas for songs but more that I have to many. Like the favorite band post, this is about a genre, do I go with horro, fantasy, historical or should I go for the “movie house” alternative movies.

I have chosen to cheat a little. I guess we all remember Sister Act and Sister Act 2 with Whoopy Goldberg. In Sister Act 2 you will see Lauren Hill behind a piano at a certain point together with a friend singing a short excerpt from “his eyes are on the Sparrow”. This beautiful song doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it should have so I have chosen this as my entry for today.

The video I use is one I made myself using pictures that are shot in the famous Artis zoo in Amsterdam. They show my wive and my bro feeding the Sparrows (well, their arms is what you see lol). The Sparrows in Artis are used to people and they actually come and sit on your hand if your lucky which both my wife and bro had happening to them.

I took the pictures with a simple Casio digital camera with a short as possible shutter time.

Some others are playing as well, go check them out if you like đŸ˜€

Did That Just Happen

Surviving The Madhouse

Life In The Wylde West

Four Calders

Bishop Eddie Tatro’s Study

Writing In The Night


and the newest participant http://theboipoet.wordpress.com/

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About Mavadelo

Dutch, Pothead, Married since 1999, once homeless officially homed since uh...I guess somewhere around 2006. Music lover (anything but techno) Animal friend (in general, dogs and cats more specific, wolves rule though), Happy (most of the time) Pacifist, optimist but also sarcastic, cynical and philosopher (big word, if I find a better one....) oh... Gamer, PC freak, Software junky, bottom level hacker (lol i can "hack" some of my games but t.b.h others did the work, I just apply their knowledge) all around "can you fix my pc Martin" guy did I mentioned married?

6 thoughts on “25 Songs – 25 Days Day 11: His eyes on the Sparrow – Lauren Hill

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