The Lighthouse Award

Recently I got a message on my about page from Just Patty telling me that she had awarded me for the Lighthouse Award

Now I am somewhat new to this blog world So I am not really sure what the purpose of these awards is but I assume that it is mainly serving as a token of appreciation of the writer of a blog (or rather for what he writes)

I also think that it is a “pay it forward” system so I will treat it as such 🙂

Now, without further ado


As said: Just Patty (from  has nominated me for the Lighthouse Award. Thank you very much, I will do my very best to be worthy

The rules for the Lighthouse Award are:

1. Display the award certificate on your blog.

2. Inform your nominees of their award nominations.

3. Share three ways that you like to help other people.

4. There is no limit to the number of people who you can nominate.

5. Don’t forget to have fun!!

Helping people:

1: I hope to be able to make people aware of those in our midst that need help

2: I hope to be able to help people find some of the answers they seek.

3: I like too help people feel a little better today

My nominees are:


2 thoughts on “The Lighthouse Award

  1. Pingback: The Lighthouse Award | Social Action

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